Management of services and investments in the urban solid waste landfill in the Municipality of Bushati

Management of services and investments in the urban solid waste landfill in the Municipality of Bushati

Funded by: Municipality of Bushati

Client: Municipality of Bushati

Implementing partners: Becker & Armbrust GmbH (Germany)

Country: Albania

Implementing period: 20.05.2010 – 30.12.2011


The objective of this assignment is to provide alternatives for improvement of the efficiency of the waste management services in the Municipality of Bushati, in particular quantifying the investments necessary for maintenance and operation of the urban solid waste landfill servicing the Districts of Shkoder and Lezhe in accordance with the EU standards.

The service provider undertakes the obligation of managing and operating the landfill in Bushati and commits to provide the necessary investments for maintenance and operation of the facility.

The Bushati landfill is localized in the North-West part of Albania, between the cities of Shkodra and Lezha. It opened in 2010, with a maximal capacity of 1,000,000 m3 (130 tons/day), servicing a population of about 200,000 inhabitants.


Services provided by the legal entity for the project

  • Sampling and analysis of composition of waste disposed of at the Bushati landfill.
  • Sampling and analysis of soil and ground water on the site
  • Modelling of deployment of vehicles for waste collection service
  • Preparation of waste collection and disposal plan
  • Support in selection and contracting of sub-contractors and purchase of equipment