“Broadcasting the EU” – Alsat – M TV , Euro Magazin

“Broadcasting the EU” – Alsat – M TV , Euro Magazin

Funded by: European Comission

Client: European Comission

Overall project value: 109.035 €

Country: Macedonia

Implementing period: 10/2009 – 12/2010


Overall objectives : 

– To familiarize the citizens of Macedonia with the integration process, in general but also to explain the roles of the different actors in this process

– To explain that the reform process is not only an obligation of the governmental institutions but it also implies changes, reforms in the behaviour and work of all other segments of social life

– Creation of a clearer image in the public, on the development opportunities and challenges expected by the different segments and actors in society

Specific objective:

– Increasing the general level of information for suitable problems

– Identification of key problems in an appropriate area and key stakeholders responsible for actual conditions

– Identification of possibilities and manners for changing the negative conditions and offering solutions, and

– Mobilisation of all individual stakeholders to undertake their responsibilities


Type of services provided

  • Increased transparency from the authorities and ensuring civil society’s access them;
    • More media coverage for the NGOs and the professional associations;
    • To provide an opportunity for inclusive dialogue for all social segments about the EU accession process and wider social consensus for the reform process