Development of Electricity Distribution System in the North-Eastern Region of the Republic of Macedonia
Funded by: EVN Macedonia (Electricity Distribution System Operator)
Client: EVN Macedonia (Electricity Distribution System Operator)
Overall project value: 50.000€
Country: Macedonia
Implementing period: 01/2012 – 12/2012
Detailed description of project
The Project sought to develop a 10-year electricity distribution network development program for several municipalities in the Northeast region of Macedonia. It represents a basis for taking into account various aspects of the medium-term electricity distribution system development planning, including an approximation of annual plan on distribution system development covering the period of the next five to ten years, and distribution system investment plans, as required by the existing legal framework.
The Project also sought to develop a template that will be used by the Electricity Distribution System Operator for the development of other regional distribution sub-systems. In particular, it aimed at contributing to better tuning of EVN’s overall planning strategy taking into consideration it’s financial, technical and human resources needs. In a broader context, it reflects upon EVN’s strong focus on improvements in bill collection and reduction of payment evasion, further reduction of electricity losses, and improving the social responsibility of EVN in Macedonia.
Type of services provided
- Development and definition of research methodology
- Background analysis and review of perspectives: technical, legal and regulatory, demographic, economic
- Socio-economic profiling of the region: state of urbanization, demographic trends, natural and cultural heritage, economic activities
- Review of present infrastructure
- Review of environmental aspects and requirements
- Planning for local distribution of electricity and metering
- Development of documentation of construction permits
- Development of Strategy for new connections
- Integration of renewable energy sources in the electric grid