Strengthening the Administrative capacity of the Energy Department in the Ministry of Economy and the Energy Agency
Funded by: European Union (IPA)
Client: Ministry of Economy – Macedonia
Implementing partners: ATC Consultants
Overall project value: 1.674.000 €
Countries: Macedonia
Implementing period: 12/2013 – 04/2015
Detailed description of project
The aim of the project is to strengthen institutional capacities of the Energy Department of Macedonia’s Ministry of Economy, as well as of the Energy Agency, for developing, monitoring and evaluating the energy sector reforms necessary for alignment with the energy ‘acquis’ and other relevant EU obligations, to achieve a more competitive energy market through a market-oriented energy sector reform process.
The project has been structured into four components:
- Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Energy Department within the Ministry of Economy,
- Further alignment of legislation with the ‘acquis’ under the Energy Community Treaty and the EU energy ‘acquis’,
- Operationalisation of key strategic documents that are important for the further development of the energy sector,
- Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Energy Agency in implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy policies.
Type of services provided
- Review of the current organisation, functions, responsibilities, staffing and management systems of the Energy Department also taking into consideration the views of relevant stakeholders (other authorities, energy network operators and utilities, academia and donor community)
- Preparation of a Management Plan (incl. new organisation) for the Energy Department and embed procedures for the annual updating of the Plan
- Analysis of the domestic energy policy (development and interpretation circumstances) in view of the development of EU energy policy
- Assessment of the legislative gaps identified in relevant monitoring reports (i.e. latest available Progress Report of the European Union and Implementation Report of the Energy Community Secretariat) and recommendations for address these gaps, including a methodology for legislative development in the energy sector based on EU Member Statesʼ best practice
- Recommendations for establishing of a system for monitoring the proper implementation of domestic legislation aligned with EU energy acquis and the acquis under the Energy Community Treaty
- Development of legal acts:
- Amendments of the Energy Law in compliance with 3rd Internal energy market package and Directive 28/2009
- Draft Law on Biofuels and other bio liquids in accordance to the Directive 28/2009
- Recommendations for improving the mechanisms for exchanging the opinions on draft legislation and strategic documents with other relevant public institutions and with the private sector
- Support in the development of (a) a program for supporting vulnerable consumers and (b) in the analysis and preparation of feed-in tariffs from high efficient CHP plants
- Recommendations of criteria and procedures for authorisation of a new energy facility (for generation and transmission), and of general criteria for tendering of projects for the construction of such energy facilities
- Methodology and criteria for prioritising energy projects
- Preparation of investment guideline on the procedures for developing renewable energy projects (photovoltaics, small hydropower plants, wind, biomass, biogas)
- Support to the development of an Action Plan to provide incentives for households to save energy and to improve energy efficiency. The Plan has been developed on the basis of the EU best practice and the work of the Energy Efficiency Task Force of the Energy Community.