Tourism Information and Investment Promotion Centre for West Kosovo

Tourism Information and Investment Promotion Centre for West Kosovo Funded by: EU Regional Economic Development Programme (EURED) Client: Municipalities of Rahovec and Suhareke, Kosovo Overall project value: 370 000€ Country: Kosovo Implementing period: 03/2011 – 03/2012   Detailed description of project The Project with a full title “Sustainable regional economic development of South Kosovo through […]

Strengthening the Administrative capacity of the Energy Department in the Ministry of Economy and the Energy Agency

Strengthening the Administrative capacity of the Energy Department in the Ministry of Economy and the Energy Agency Funded by: European Union (IPA) Client: Ministry of Economy – Macedonia Implementing partners: ATC Consultants Overall project value: 1.674.000 € Countries: Macedonia Implementing period: 12/2013 – 04/2015   Detailed description of project The aim of the project is[…..]

Support to the public administration reform process

Support to the public administration reform process (EuropeAid/136632/DH/SER/XK) Funded by: European Union (IPA) Client: Ministry of Public Administration, Kosovo Implementing partners: Lattanzio (Italy), Particip (Germany) Overall project value: 1 598 000 € Country: Kosovo Implementing period: 05/2017 – 09/2019   Detailed description of project This project has been financed by the EU, and its purpose[…..]