Tourism Information and Investment Promotion Centre for West Kosovo

Tourism Information and Investment Promotion Centre for West Kosovo

Funded by: EU Regional Economic Development Programme (EURED)

Client: Municipalities of Rahovec and Suhareke, Kosovo

Overall project value: 370 000€

Country: Kosovo

Implementing period: 03/2011 – 03/2012


Detailed description of project

The Project with a full title “Sustainable regional economic development of South Kosovo through professional Wine Culture Tourism Development” has been implemented on a grant awarded by the EU Office in Kosovo.

The Project sought to make maximum use of the existing tourism potential by supporting the mutual cooperation between the local authorities and private sector. The lack of professional tourism development strategies, the underdeveloped human resource capabilities, restrained financial resources and little use of innovative technologies have exacerbated the problems of unemployment and economic development.

In order to boost tourism sector, it is essential to increase the quality of existing tourism potentials and to set up the right organizational structure and put them into function.

Developing a regional Wine Association was supposed to bring the wine producers closer to the local government institutions by sharing information and to create a sustainable basis for wine tourism development.


Type of services provided

  • Identification of Wine Route
  • Promotion of Wine Route
  • Strengthening of Wine Association in Rahovec and Suhareka
  • Support to the setting up a Tourism Working Group
  • Support to Establishment of a small winery and a wine resource centre
  • Education and trainings to wine tour guides
  • Develop strategy for cross-border cooperation with neighbouring countries